Discipleship Groups


8:30 pm - Tues Evenings

Led by
Ky Claeys,
Kevin Fogel, &
Troy Robbins

Designed for Discipleship by NavPress
Men’s Bible Study

The bestselling Design for Discipleship Bible study series has offered millions of new and experienced believers a chance to learn firsthand what it means to be a modern disciple of Christ.  

Lessons in the series: Your Life in Christ, Foundations of Faith, The Spirit-Filled Follower of Jesus, Growing in Discipleship, Walking With Christ, Our Hope in Christ, The Character of a Follower of Jesus.

6:30 pm - Wed Evenings

Led by Jay Peasley

The Book of Colossians
Men’s Bible Study

Believers are in Christ, and so they share in Christ’s death, resurrection, new life, and his fullness. Christ has defeated the powers of darkness on the cross.

Weds May 7, 14, & 21 @ 6p

Faith & Reason Made Simple- 3wk Course on Apologetics by Rick McGough

1st & 3rd Saturday at 8am
At the Machine Shed

Led by Pastor Wade

Journey-Men’s Bible Study

Join Pastor Wade and other men as they journey through the Bible together.  Verse by verse we will grow in our knowledge of God's Word and how to use it in our daily lives.

6-8 pm - Mon Evenings
2nd and 4th Monday of the Month

Led by Veronica Claeys & Megan Fogel

Women’s - Mom to Mom

Women’s Ministry is hosting a Mom to Mom Group that will meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 6pm-8pm. Dinner and childcare will be provided. We will meet in A10. Invite your friends. Spread the word all are welcome!

9 am - Tues Mornings

Led by Diane Peterson & Linda Baenziger

New Women’s Study begins in Feb
Women of Faith
Finding Rest in a Busy World

You will explore what the Bible has to say about the importance and value of rest. You will learn ways to recognize if your schedule has gotten out of control and how you can apply the brakes to restore healthy boundaries in your life. Even more, you will discover how God promises you can rest in who He is, what He’s done for you, and what He will do for you.

6:45-8 pm - Wed Evenings

Led by Jeanette White

2 Corinthians

With Pastor Rich Villodas Authentic Christianity has never been about how put together we seem to be. It’s always been about how God works powerfully through our shortcomings to accomplish his purposes for us.

Pastor Rich describes how opening ourselves up in genuine relationships in others invites the power of Jesus to shine through our weaknesses.